Freedom News
Barclays branches targeted over investment in Israeli arms

Barclays branches targeted over investment in Israeli arms

Activists from Palestine Action smashed windows and spray-painted branches in Bolton and Bradford overnight to highlight investment in Elbit Systems

Palestine Action says that its activists targeted the Bradford and Bolton branches of Barclays bank, which invests in Israel’s largest weapons firm, Elbit Systems. They “left windows smashed and sprayed the banks red, marking them with a symbol of Palestinian bloodshed”.

Amongst Barclays $2.5billion investments in companies facilitating the Gaza genocide, the bank holds shares in Elbit Systems which is the primary target of Palestine Action’s campaign. Elbit Systems provide 85% of Israel’s military drone fleet and land-based equipment, as well as bombs, missiles and other weaponry. The Israeli weapons maker market their weapons as “battle-tested” after they are developed during bombardments on occupied Palestine.

Palestine Action’s campaign against the company has included occupations and disruptive actions at its factories, permanently shutting down its Tamworth unit. In addition, the group has campaigned to “undermine” Elbit’s investors, landlords and suppliers. To date, several companies including recruiters and an international law firm have ended ties with Elbit following pressure from activists.

Photo: Neil Terry

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