Freedom News

Mind the gap!

The 2017 snap election was notable for many things, not least the Tory party itself proclaiming that its policies have not worked. Well, it did not quite say that — the problems it admitted existed seemed to have no cause, they just were. No mention of who was in office for the past seven years

Imagine all our rulers, at each others’ throats

Jon Bigger looks at the fault lines which have been opening in the ruling classes’ united front, and has a suggestion to help them with their woes… The ruling class is divided along several major issues at the moment, and the divisions are major. They are being torn in different directions as they try to

John Bull believers face a rude awakening

Iain McKay writes on the collapse of the Tory economic plan and its dire “solutions” to the looming troubles of Brexit On every level Thatcherism is recognised to have failed, from the broken housing market, to railways unfit for purpose, a dysfunctional labour market etc. Or more correctly, the reality is being admitted but the

Penny Mordaunt vs The FBU

On Sunday the boss’ tabloids were all over the same story. The Mail On Sunday even ran it on the front page. Apparently Tory minister Penny Mordaunt wasted parliamentary time and everyone’s taxes by giving a bogus speech for the sole purpose of saying the word ‘cock’ a few times. This to win a bet