Freedom News

No one left alone in the hands of the state: Greek prison Solidarity Fund calls for emergency support

No one left alone in the hands of the state: Greek prison Solidarity Fund calls for emergency support

The Greek Prison Solidarity Fund have commenced an online fundraiser, asking for emergency support during the time of COVID-19. COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown across the globe continue to have a massive impact on our lives: many are struggling to make ends meet and worrying about the future; some are struggling with the lockdown itself,

Florida prisoner ‘literally tortured’ after detailing prisoner abuse

Florida prisoner ‘literally tortured’ after detailing prisoner abuse

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, an inmate incarnated in Florida State Prison in Raiford and a member of  Prison Chapter of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP), is facing charges of “inciting a riot or demonstration” after he penned a letter detailing mistreatment of prisoners by the Florida Department of Corrections. Rashid’s letter, entitled “Florida Prisoners Are

Jan 22: Prison demos in Doncaster and London will mark International Day of Solidarity With Trans Prisoners

Jan 22: Prison demos in Doncaster and London will mark International Day of Solidarity With Trans Prisoners

This Sunday will see the International Day of Solidarity With Trans Prisoners, a day to highlight the struggles of trans people behind bars and fight for a world without prisons. First imagined by US Earth First! prisoner Marius Mason, the day aims to acknowledge the experiences of trans and other sex and gender-minority prisoners. In a

‘Anything But A Crisis’ or How To Make A Prison Riot

‘Anything But A Crisis’ or How To Make A Prison Riot

As a crisis in our prison system intensifies, Saul Jay assesses the current state of the UK prison system, and how the situation is ripe for an explosion. Imagine you’re the Secretary of State for Justice– you’ve got a die-hard commitment to appearing ‘tough on crime’, which results in in a constantly rising prison population and in the same