Freedom News

Israel: Antifa opposes nationalist ‘Jerusalem Flag Parade’

Jerusalem Antifa took action against the Jerusalem Flag Parade nationalist march held annually on 13th of May. The parade celebrates Jerusalem Day: national holiday commemorating establishment of Israeli control over Jerusalem’s Old City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. Thousands of people take part in the march. Jerusalem Antifa dropped a huge

Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour convicted of ‘Facebook incitement’

A Palestinian poet was convicted of “inciting violence” and “supporting a terrorist organisation” on Thursday for a poem she posted on social media that the prosecution claimed called for violence against the occupation. Nazareth magistrates’ court found Dareen Tatour guilty over a poem titled “Resist, My People, Resist Them” posted on Facebook and other posts

Visualising the West Bank Wall

The separation barrier (or the Wall) which surrounds much of the West Bank is one of the most unbelievable things I have ever seen, not for good reason. In a sense I knew what to prepare myself for as I had seen many pictures taken of it from the comfort of my home country. But

The Militarisation of Israeli Society

In the second blog from Nikki Ray in our series about life under Israeli occupation, Nikki dicusses the many ways in which Israeli society has become militarised, and how this affects both the occupied and the occupiers. Only 2 countries in the world have compulsory military service for both men and women[1]. Israel is one of

Inequality… in a road network?

Nikki Ray, from London, has been serving as a human rights monitor in the West Bank for the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel. She has been writing about her first hand experiences and how Palestinians are affected every day by the Israeli occupation Palestine. Freedom is glad to be collaborating with Nikki to