Freedom News

Notes From the US

Louis Further’s monthly column for Freedom was written shortly before events in Charlottesville, where a white supremacist, allegedly Unite the Right supporter James Field, drove his car into a crowd of anti-fascists, killing one and injuring 19. The idea of driving cars through protesting crowds has become an increasingly popular fantasy in “alt-right” circles in

Notes from the US

Louis Further looks at wealth disparity, institutional racism and environmental issues in the Land of the Free for this month’s column Freedom regularly picks up examples of inequality, of course. But a recent statistic is truly staggering. Credit Suisse Research, no less, published a report reflecting the way things stood in terms of income distribution

Louis Further: Notes From The US

Early one morning a dirty but originally silver oil tanker on the 405 freeway in Los Angeles, California, near the busiest traffic intersection in the world could be seen with this message painted on its oval back: John 3:18: Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already, because

Notes from the US

Louis Further’s regular roundup column with analysis and news from North America that you might have missed. Violence and the Dakota pipeline Illegal, vicious, violent and punitive measures continue to be taken by the élite against the water protectors resisting attempts to build the Dakota Access pipeline across sacred lands in the central north west of

Notes from the USA: September 2015

Spying Documents continue to emerge from Edward Snowden, the former employee of the National Security Agency (NSA). Significant data was published in mid-August which detailed how telecommunications giant AT&T willingly gave the Agency access to literally billions of emails transmitted across the former’s domestic networks – conceivably every one. These included the headquarters of the

Notes From America: November

Louis Further rounds up news from the USA for the months of October and November.   Racism Kalief Browder was a 16-year-old high school student from the Bronx when he was accused of stealing a Rucksack by a mistaken witness driving around in the back of a New York Police Department police patrol car. Although

Notes From the US: October/ September

  Education No-one ever got taller by being measured. In schools, the only tests that help are the ones that offer guidance on what’s next, not ‘summative’ ones that merely record children’s progress. Last month in Florida a kindergarten (5-year-old children) teacher took a stand by refusing to administer the state-mandated standardised test to her