Freedom News

Beating the letting agents

Beating the letting agents

Brighton SolFed writes on lessons learned over the first year of its efforts to build up an anarchist housing union. After a string of successful cases largely against wage theft in the hospitality sector, Brighton Solidarity Federation launched our housing union in June 2017. Our experience in Brighton was of rents rocketing up, while conditions

We taught them a lesson: Beating a deposit deduction

We taught them a lesson: Beating a deposit deduction

Below is the write-up of a successful campaign organised by a tenant and Brighton SolFed against a deduction to that tenant’s deposit. The three month public campaign concluded in April 2018 with a £450 payment to the tenant, who had had £390 deducted from her deposit. Please note that the article contains brief discussion of

You Cannot Burn Us All: the Issue of Communal Housing Privatisation in Poland

You Cannot Burn Us All:  the Issue of Communal Housing Privatisation in Poland

Privatisation has many faces. In Poland, one of its aspects is so-called “reprivatisation”: reclaiming of the property confiscated by the communist government by its past owners, or people who bought legal rights to claim it. Since 90’s, this procedure resulted in evictions of thousands of long-term tenants by new private landlords, who wanted to convert previously