Freedom News

Gender egalitarianism vs patriarchy theory

Gender egalitarianism vs patriarchy theory

Were early human societies egalitarian? How can we know about this? And how far are gender perspectives addressed in these questions? And does it ultimately matter? Anthropologist Camilla Power asks the questions. It is a longstanding position in anthropology that hunter-gatherers, especially nomadic groups who consume all they forage the same day – known as

Get TERFs out of Feminism

Get TERFs out of Feminism

The London Pride parade was derailed this year by a transphobic group of women who broke into it and despite not having parade passes were then allowed to lead. They held up large signs that said: “Transactivists erases lesbians,” “Get the L out of LGBT.” They had smaller signs and leaflets which claimed transgender people

London: protest against Trump-inspired law that would endanger sex workers

London: protest against Trump-inspired law that would endanger sex workers

Sex workers yesterday joined with other feminists and human rights activists to voice their opposition to a Trump-inspired ‘anti-trafficking’ law –  in the US  known as SESTA/FOSTA  – ahead of a debate on mirroring them in the UK, which was held in the House of Commons on Wednesday. The proposed legislation, brought to the Parliament

History biography: Helen Blackburn

History biography: Helen Blackburn

Pauline Murphy writes on the pioneering Suffragette author who helped found the Women’s Employment Defence League. Helen Blackburn was born into an Anglo-Irish family on May 25th 1842 at Knights Town on  Valentia island County Kerry. She was the only daughter of Isabelle Lamb from Durham and Bewicke Blackburn, she had one other sibling, a

Tribute to the victims of feminicide

On Thursday and Friday night (Nov 24th-25th) the Insomnia collective conducted a series of actions across Paris, France to highlight patriarchal murders. Male violence is the leading cause of death for women aged 16 to 44 worldwide. Acts of violence against women are very diverse in nature, ranging from verbal harassment and other forms of psychological

Women in charge is not feminism: the fight against institutional patriarchy

Women in charge is not feminism: the fight against institutional patriarchy

On a surface level, it seems as though feminism is winning the gender war. Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee for the President of the United States, Theresa May has just become PM, and Angela Eagle is challenging Jeremy Corbyn to the most boring duel ever. In the cabinet reshuffle, a third of posts have