Freedom News

Welcome to the Mutual Millenium

One of the fundamental differences between anarchists and authoritarians (both left and right) is that anarchists believe in people. We don’t offer grand schemes and minutely detailed plans because we have faith in people’s ability to sort shit out for themselves. We don’t propose centralised systems and one-size-fits-all ideology because we recognise, relish and respect

Not just sex: Talking about Alex Comfort with Eric Laursen

When I discovered the Freedom Press collection of Alex Comfort’s anarchist and anti-militarist writings, I’d already known him for 15 years as the author of The Joy of Sex. This pioneering couples’ manual, which featured ‘aesthetic’/’tasteful’ illustrations drawn from photos, spent more than 70 weeks in the New York Times bestseller top five and 11

An anarchist open letter to our comrades about covid

This story was first published in December 2023 [editor] I wrote a letter to my comrades the other day. They opened and read it; it said they were suckers. They wanted me to get infected or whatever. Picture me giving a damn; I said never  ~ Covi D Dear comrades We think you may have forgotten about us. Or,

Freedom seeks contributions to October print issue

Our theme this time: “Their Internationalism — and Ours” — In the next print issue of Freedom, we want to highlight stories that cross borders and show international connections through acts of organised resistance, survival and equality. We want to hear about your own experiences, or things you have expertise in.

Bangladesh: A people’s uprising against an autocratic state

A member of Bangladeshi anarchist group Auraj writes about the events and background of the current rebellion — As I am writing this statement, I don’t know the whereabouts of most of my comrades who participated in the ongoing protest of students in Bangladesh. All I know is that they were on the streets, trying