Freedom News
“Anarchism” is just a name-  a review of Anarchism and the Black Revolution and The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition

“Anarchism” is just a name- a review of Anarchism and the Black Revolution and The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition

January 13th: Anarchism and the Black Revolution by Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin Pluto Press The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition by William C.
Review: Post-Internet Far Right

Review: Post-Internet Far Right

January 9th: The creators of the essential antifascist podcast 12 Rules For What?

Review: Lost in Work

Review: Lost in Work

December 12th: Amelia Horgan’s Lost in Work acts both as a bread and butter introduction to why and how work under capitalism is so bad, and as a provocation to the left’s standard understanding of work and organising.

Review: Guide to Every City

Review: Guide to Every City

July 15th: Writer: Efe Levent Artist: Alaa Alhassoun Guide to Every CityMangal MediaISBN: 6057034821 Guide to Every City is a thorough picture of the perennial Every City from the perspective of a fictional Every Travel Writer.

Review:  Anarchism in North East England 1882 – 1992

Review: Anarchism in North East England 1882 – 1992

July 3rd: Anarchism in North East England 1882 – 1992 by Tyneside Anarchist Archive This impressive and comprehensive contribution caps a canny few years of the careful development of the Tyneside Anarchist Archive.

Impressions: A Normal Life, the memoir of Vassilis Palaiokostas

Impressions: A Normal Life, the memoir of Vassilis Palaiokostas

May 4th: As Freedom Press launches its (first ever) crowdfunder to get the story of the Greek Robin Hood into print, George F waxes lyrical about the importance of telling tales of working class illegalism.

Book Review: Emma Goldman, ‘Mother Earth’ and the Anarchist Awakening

Book Review: Emma Goldman, ‘Mother Earth’ and the Anarchist Awakening

March 21st: “This important and essential volume by Rachel Hsu goes back to the primary sources in an attempt to allow the ideas and actions of Goldman to speak for themselves.” by Rachel Hui-Chi HsuNotre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press2021ISBN 9780268200299$45.

Review: Tracksuits, Trauma & Class Traitors

Review: Tracksuits, Trauma & Class Traitors

March 4th: Tracksuits, Traumas and Class Traitors D Hunter Lumpen, 2020 ISBN: 978-1-83805-904-0 Review by George F “Content warning: throughout this book there are references to sexual violence, racism both interpersonal and institutional, gendered violence both physical, psychological and verbal, various forms of physical violence, suicide, drug usage, transphobia, suicide and police brutality.” My own 2021 exploded

The Bid to Build the Archipelago as an Internetwork of Adversarial Friendship: A Critical Reading of Bas Umali’s Essays

The Bid to Build the Archipelago as an Internetwork of Adversarial Friendship: A Critical Reading of Bas Umali’s Essays

December 15th: Pangayaw and Decolonizing Resistance: Anarchism in the Philippines Author: Bas Umali Editor: Gabriel Kuhn PM Press 2020 ISBN: 9781629637945 A desire to read a book critically is similar to translating: it bridges a gap and weaves together a fabric between text, author, and reader, especially when the importance of difference is not overlooked.

Been tryin’ hard not to get in trouble, but I’ve got class war in my mind: Riding for Deliveroo

Been tryin’ hard not to get in trouble, but I’ve got class war in my mind: Riding for Deliveroo

December 9th: Riding for Deliveroo Callum Cant Polity Books, 2019 ISBN: 9781509535514 In November, Deliveroo and UberEats couriers in Sheffield went out on strike, the latest instalment in an unpredictable series of flare-ups and disputes that have broken out in the industry over the last few years.