Freedom News

Four locals arrested outside Elbit Leicester

April 22nd: Others responded to arrests by blockading the police van with those arrested inside.  

“This Empire too will be Eclipsed”

April 21st: Report from Carbondale, Illinois on recent march and demonstration during the eclipse.

Palestine Action and Youth Demand paint Ministry of Defence

April 19th: They are demanding an end to the Ministry of Defence's contracts with Israel's largest weapons firm, Elbit Systems and an end to all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK

Palestinian detainees “have lost hands or feet”

April 17th: Innocent Gazans face torture and death in Israeli detention camps.

Russian Anarchist “will finish tenth grade in pre-trial detention”

April 16th: Lyubov Lizunova is accused of terrorism for a "Death to the Regime" graffiti and "approving" the arson of military recruitment offices

freedom mark

Palestine Action blockades Elbit’s Instro Precision

April 15th: Direct action has again halted production at Instro, a subsidiary of Israel's largest weapons company, Elbit Systems, preventing all entry.

7 day picket of US Embassy begins

April 15th: The protest is inspired by the non-stop picket held outside the South African Embassy in London from 1986 until Mandela's release in February 1990.

“Why we squatted Gordon Ramsay’s pub”

April 14th: Freedom received this statement from the Camden Art Cafe squatters who have liberated Gordon Ramsay's York and Albany Hotel restaurant in Camden:

Palestine Action blockade Elbit’s Leicester drone factory

April 11th: U-TacS is majority owned by Elbit Systems, Israel's largest arms manufacturer, and partially owned by French arms company Thales.

Jury acquits Palestine Actionist of ‘possession with intent’

April 11th: Despite being permitted no defences and having admitted their intention to throw the items - eggs filled with red paint and ketchup - at a building, the acquittal took only one hour's deliberation.