Freedom News

South African elections: Long road to nowhere?

June 5th: Record-low turnout shows loss of faith in the ANC party-state, but popular power has yet to fill the gap

Barclays branches targeted over investment in Israeli arms

June 3rd: Activists from Palestine Action smashed windows and spray-painted branches in Bradford and Bolton overnight to highlight investment in Elbit Systems.

“Technocrat” or far-right spymaster?

May 31st: Netherlands: New prime minister Dick Schoof is former intelligence chief who illegally spied on citizens and remains vague about democracy's red lines

Blocking the Internet during revolt: Kanaky and the suburbs as laboratories

May 29th: A method once reserved for authoritarian regimes or periods of war is now being implemented by the French government in New Caledonia

Activists cut internet access for arms factory that supplies Israel

May 28th: Activists from Palestine Action Scotland sabotaged the internet cables of Edinburgh's Leonardo factory and sprayed red paint over their fighter jet model displays.

image: Robin Stott, Geograph

High Court: Police and Crime Act places “disproportionate burden on Gypsies”

May 23rd: A judgement on the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 last week handed a victory to campaigners for Gypsy and Traveller rights.

Image: Cold War Steve on Twitter

Freedom announces election night coverage

May 22nd: With UK elections called for July 4, a six week campaign now begins and Freedom is ready to analyse it like never before.

Netherlands: Far right coalition to curb protest, challenge Refugee Convention

May 22nd: In combination with bottom-up neoliberal redistribution and a brutalisation of ethics and language, this new fascist wave threatens to develop into a tsunami.

In Montpellier, Kanak and supporters of the Palestinian people demonstrated together "against colonialism" this Saturday, May 18. Photo by Mathieu Le Coz / Hans Lucas

New Caledonia: Kanak revolt confronts French state and settler militias

May 21st: The revolt started a week ago in the south Pacific territory, after a series of disputed independence referenda.

EE item on UK morning TV show

Fixing the UK food supply

May 16th: As Everybody Eats continues with Robin Hood-style actions in multiple UK cities, group Vegans Support the Farmers are promoting a just transition for producers.