Freedom News

Ewan Brown – Rest In Power

Ewan Brown – Rest In Power

Rest In Power Ewan Brown, who went missing yesterday and started our Mayday was sad news. A popular face up in the North East and Newcastle, Ewan was well-known for being a lovely guy full of creative spark and a passion for making the world a better place. From Active Distro; “Ewan Brown, a wonderfully

Ursula Le Guin dies aged 88

Ursula Le Guin dies aged 88

One of the most influential writers of her generation, author of possibly the most famous anarchist science fiction ever penned, Le Guin passed away at home after a short illness. While many will remember her for the Earthsea series, The Dispossessed was perhaps Le Guin’s most enduring work for anarchists, a deep, nuanced and beautifully

Leo Baxendale: An anarchic inspiration

Leo Baxendale: An anarchic inspiration

Leo Baxendale, the comic illustrator and creator of Minnie The Minx, The Bash Street Kids and loads of other comic strips and characters, died on Sunday April 23rd aged 86. Leo, himself a near anarchist, contributed an article,”The Beano and ‘the national consciousness” to The Raven 34 (Freedom Press, Spring 1997). This was in response