Freedom News

Spycops inquiry: Real name of ‘Bobby’ Lewis to be revealed

Spycops inquiry: Real name of ‘Bobby’ Lewis to be revealed

After more than six months of legal wrangling at the Undercover Policing Inquiry, chairman Roger Mitting has agreed to release the real name of officer Anthony ‘Bobby’ Lewis to the women he abused while working as a spycop infiltrating the Stephen Lawrence campaign. Lewis, listed as HN78 in inquiry documents, has previously admitted to maintaining

Former undercover joins victims in boycott of Spycop Inquiry

Former undercover joins victims in boycott of Spycop Inquiry

Former spycop turned whistleblower Peter Francis has declared he won’t have anything more to do with the Undercover Policing Inquiry’s anonymity applications from his former colleagues. Francis, who infiltrated anti-racist groups in the 1990s and spied on the loved ones of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, says the public inquiry is protecting the guilty and concealing the