Freedom News

Transcript: Freedom and ASS at the Spycops Inquiry

Transcript: Freedom and ASS at the Spycops Inquiry

Freedom, among many other left organisations, was targeted by the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) multiple times over the years, most notably by senior officer Roger Pearce. The Advisory Service For Squatters, which has premises with Freedom in Angel Alley, has also been targeted, and speaking on behalf of both for the inquiry’s introductory sessions Rajiv

Poster crew run #spycop takeover of London ad spaces

Poster crew run #spycop takeover of London ad spaces

In their latest adventure occupying advertising real estate across the capital, subvertisers the Special Patrol Group have set giant posters up on bus stops and on the Tube. In a statement, the group said: These posters are up on the Underground because Metropolitan Police #SpyCops have deceived women into relationships, fathered children and lied about

Spycops Inquiry: An ugly picture has emerged

Spycops Inquiry: An ugly picture has emerged

Freedom’s recently uncovered links to the scandal of Metropolitan Police officers infiltrating and manipulating peaceful radical groups are just part of a series of major revelations and events swirling around the Undercover Policing Inquiry over the last week. The probe into police spying against over 1,000 organisations over a 40-year period has seen multiple new

Spycop inquiry preliminary hearing opens

Spycop inquiry preliminary hearing opens

Anger was rising as the Undercover Policing Inquiry began its preliminary hearing today, with spycop victims left incredulous over introductory notes by chair John Mitting which they said were effectively him “choosing to fail”. Today’s hearing focused on the police use of convictions handed down against activist core participants, some now spent convictions, in an

Four more spycop names to be released

Four more spycop names to be released

The grindingly slow Undercover Policing Inquiry looks set to release four more spycops’ cover names following comments from chairman John Mitting — which comes as accusations grow that the Met is succeeding in neutering the inquiry. Mitting, who has himself been heavily criticised over his police links since taking over the inquiry from Pitchford earlier

New spycop inquiry chair set to cover up names, warns watchdog

New spycop inquiry chair set to cover up names, warns watchdog

Researchers for the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) warned today that, following the first major release of papers by controversial new spycop inquiry chief Sir John Mitting, it looks like the Met may be successful in hiding the names of officers linked to their disgraced undercover operations team. COPS has finished analysing a large release of papers