Freedom News

The struggle against Google in Berlin

Earlier this year Google rocked up to Kreuzberg district in Berlin with plans for a swanky new Google Campus. The idea immediately sparked a great deal of local anger, and a spiky anti-gentrification campaign. In the below article, writers for Avalanche dive into the anarchist offensive against corporate spread in the German capital — and argue

Hamburg mayor threatens radical sites as Berlin squat rallies against cop siege

Intense pressure is being put on German radical social centres in Hamburg and Berlin in the wake of last month’s G20 protests, with Hamburg’s mayor threatening Rote Flora and a round the clock siege of Teppichfabrik, which has prompted a solidarity rally in the capital today. The gathering, in front of the squatted centre in Berlin’s

After G20, the repression: Tips and solidarity for the chased

Linksunten Indymedia issued a summary piece yesterday in support of people facing the upcoming crackdown against participants in the G20 protests in Hamburg earlier this month. We reproduce it in English here for broader uptake. Please note that legally this advice is aimed at people in Germany, but the security tips are applicable worldwide. Separately,

Germany: FAU welcomes challenge to law attacking small unions

Anarcho-syndicalist union FAU has welcomed legal action from the German Association of Journalists (DJV) and pilot’s union Cockpit as the campaign to try and knock down a controversial Bargaining Unit Act designed to shut down small unions, known as the Tarifeinheitsgesetz (TEG), grows. The Act, which was passed in 2015, says that in an industry with more than one union