With its massive ecological footprint, the semiconductor industry has been the material foundation for the IT assault – and now drives economic war between the US and China
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UK Workers Rights Bill and the spectre of capitalism
The latest piece of legislation unveiled by our government emerges not as a beacon of hope, but as a harbinger of betrayal ~ Mark McEwan ~ As the sun rises each day over the grey skies of the United Kingdom, we find ourselves staring into the abyss of a systemic failure that has plagued workers
The Death of Leninism
I was trapped in Leninism and read swathes of Lenin’s rhetoric – now I know the anarchists were right all along ~ Killian Flynn ~ Amongst the shadow puppets of English radicalism, lie inert various guises of Leninism: self-perpetuating central committees run tiny irrelevant organisations and use them as a vector to punt their books
Clean energy can’t save us
From green consumerism to degrowth and radical systemic change ~ Yavor Tarinski ~ It is a good thing that there is increasingly more talk about the looming catastrophe that threatens our societies because of climate change and deepening ecological crises.
Hate fascism, hate the spectacle: Far right wins Austrian elections
Instead of self-righteous identity politics, our practice should oppose fake empowerment narratives ~ Anon Grata ~ A right-wing populist party has won the elections in yet another European country—but as the international media reminds us, it’s not any country: it’s both the birthplace of the leader of historical Nazi-Fascism, and the cradle of modern post-fascist
Cowley Club Interview: “Every community can benefit from a social centre”
One of UK’s longest running social centres, the Cowley Club is Brighton is structured as a members-run co-operative ~ Interviewed by Zosia Brom ~ Can you tell us about who you are and how it all started and what are your activities?