Freedom News

Four more spycop names to be released

The grindingly slow Undercover Policing Inquiry looks set to release four more spycops’ cover names following comments from chairman John Mitting — which comes as accusations grow that the Met is succeeding in neutering the inquiry. Mitting, who has himself been heavily criticised over his police links since taking over the inquiry from Pitchford earlier

Campaigners call for spycop inquiry to be opened EU-wide

Campaigners for justice in the spycop inquiry hammered home the international damage being done to human rights by undercover police officers at an EU Parliament hearing today, as members of disgraced British unit the National Public Order Intelligence Unit operated across the zone. Speaking at the Accountability for state agent Protection Against Police Infiltration conference

New spycop inquiry chair set to cover up names, warns watchdog

Researchers for the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) warned today that, following the first major release of papers by controversial new spycop inquiry chief Sir John Mitting, it looks like the Met may be successful in hiding the names of officers linked to their disgraced undercover operations team. COPS has finished analysing a large release of papers

Peterborough Mayor bans public from meetings over spycop councillor protests

Having suspended a chaotic council meeting last week amid noisy protests demanding the resignation of former spycop (and current councillor) Andy Coles, Peterborough Mayor John Fox closed today’s planned meeting to the public entirely today fearing “equally disruptive” actions. Mayor Fox, who was himself a former police officer with the Cambridge force for 23 years

John Dines joins list of confirmed police spies

After months of putting a survivor of police human rights abuses through the legal wringer at taxpayers’ expense, the Met police have failed to stop the Pitchford Inquiry on undercover policing from confirming that John Dines, now a police training officer in Australia, did in fact operate for them as an undercover police officer under the alias of