Freedom News

Book review: Too Much and Never Enough

August 3rd: Taking a deep dive into Mary Trump’s recent work on the political psychopathology of her US President uncle.

Diary of a Squat: free audiobook

July 7th: Diary Of A Squat (1989) Written by Jean Delarue Read by Dorothy Spencer and Carl Cattermole We loved this very rare and beautiful book so much that we made it into a free audiobook.

Killdren: Dismembers of Parliament – review


Sorry to go all class war on you but fucking hell, class war!: Rupture Zine Lockdown Special is here

May 20th: Our friends from Rupture Zine: a publication on squats, social centres, art, activism and free parties; have produced an online lockdown special and it is full of joys.

Review: Short Introduction to the Political Legacy of Castoriadis

May 8th: Short Introduction to the Political Legacy of Castoriadis (free e-book) By Yavor Tarinski Aftoleksi, 2020 Review by Theo Rouhette In this free e-book, Yavor Tarinski delivers a comprehensive overview of the political thought of Cornelius Castoriadis, particularly relevant in ours times of pending societal and ecological breakdown.

What a way to make a living: Class Power on Zero Hours

May 4th: The book is certainly not intended primarily as a contribution to the ongoing "class vs idpol" wars, but in its close attention to the complexity of the actual composition of the working class at a specific moment in time, it serves as a damning critique of both poles of the debate.

Mr Jones: Famine, Propaganda, and the Remnants of Walter Duranty’s Reputation

April 27th: Mr Jones Directed by Agnieszka Holland Running time 2h 21m This is a film about the Holodomor told through the eyes of Gareth Jones, an average man from Wales (portrayed by a man with an above-average jawline).

Book Review: The Government of No-one

February 5th: “This is a book devoted to ideas, rather than a history …

Review: Mask Off- Masculinity Redefined by JJ Bola

January 18th: Mask Off- Masculinity Redefined By JJ Bola Pluto Press, 2019 ISBN 978-0745338743 JJ Bola’s Mask Off is a text of many faces.

Review: ‘Mix Café: A memoir of Laurieston Hall, 1972-77

December 18th: “We all have breakfast at different times” — E.T.C Dee reviews this new take on a famed housing co-op by one of its founding members.