Freedom News

Twickenham Stadium arms fair venue defaced

January 23rd: Yesterday morning, Palestine Action covered Twickenham Stadium in blood red paint, hours before the Defence IQ's 'International Armoured Vehicles' expo.

Sixth anniversary of Turkey’s war against Afrin

January 20th: Many are still living in refugee camps in Sheba, close to Afrin, hoping to one day return to a liberated homeland.

David Cameron advised continuing arms exports to Israel

January 20th: He accepts Israel has a different interpretation of its International Humanitarian Law obligations

Community action shuts down Bristol drone factory HQ

January 19th: Palestine Action, supported by the Bristol-based group 'Rise Up for Palestine', have shut down the Israeli-owned Elbit weapons Headquarters in Bristol.

Seasonal worker is possible trafficking & slavery victim

January 19th: The fact that the Home Office suspects human trafficking and modern slavery may have taken place is highly significant as it is their own Seasonal Visa Scheme which seems to put people at risk of trafficking and labour exploitation.

Palestine Action smash Elbit’s cargo contractors

January 17th: Overnight actions by Palestine Action have targeted the logistics companies servicing the operations of Israel's arms trade in Britain.

Palestine Action strike Israeli weapons trade facilitators

January 17th: The group has pledged that 'business-as-usual' will continue to be disrupted until those targeted end their ties to the brutal colonisation of Palestine.

Twitter deletes UVW account

January 17th: The union had used the platform, now owned by the wealthiest man in the world, to raise tens of thousands of pounds to support the strikes of predominantly migrant cleaners.

Palestine actionist remanded after London Stock Exchange infiltration

January 17th: The arrests came after a Daily Express journalist', Max Parry, went undercover in the group to report on activities and hand information on alleged plans to the police.

DWP bring in discriminatory AI to detect ‘fraud’

January 16th: “The systems do have biases; it’s whether they are biases that are not allowed in the law.”