Freedom News

Yarl’s Wood and Dungavel detention centres besieged

November 18th: Two migrant removal centres were surrounded by crowds today demanding that the facilities, which have repeatedly been exposed as substandard and dangerous, be shut down and proper support offered to the often vulnerable people inside.

Protest takes London Mayor to task on climate promises

November 16th: Mayor’s Question Time was occupied by protesters this morning, who confronted Sadiq Khan for skipping out on election pledges to found a fuel energy utility for London and divest the city pension fund from fossil fuels.

Jayda Fransen of Britain First Attends National Radical March in Poland

November 12th: Yesterday Poland celebrated its Independence Day.

London Bookfair ‘won’t happen in 2018’

November 10th: Following a confrontation at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair sparked by two people handing out anti-trans leaflets, and a subsequent online firestorm, the Bookfair organisers have released two statements on what happened, announcing they will not be holding one in 2018.

Lorry surfing farmer takes on Third Energy at Kirby Misperton

November 9th: A local lorry-surfer provided the latest disruption to Third Energy today as the fracking front line remains febrile at Kirby Misperton in North Yorkshire.

Unity Centre looks to surround Dungavel removal centre

November 6th: Migration rights organisers in Glasgow are looking to raise the last donations for a solidarity noise demonstration  at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre on November 18th.

Class War vs the Ripper Museum

November 5th: As part of their ongoing campaign against the Jack the Ripper museum in  London, the Class War Women’s Death Brigade was back at its Cable Street building to call for its closure.

South Yorkshire Women’s Aid under threat again

November 4th: Last March, the Women’s Aid centre in Doncaster was closed down after the Labour-run local council cut its funding, but was then able to reopen due to a successful campaign by service users and staff members — but the centre is now being threatened with closure for a second time.

Frack firms tout plans for 2018 mining surge

November 2nd: With permanent protest sites becoming more difficult to maintain as winter draws in, gas fracking company bosses in England have announced in a puff piece today that they intend to throw yet more money at the crisis-hit industry — but appear to be struggling in the face of multiple threats and setbacks.

Anti-arms activists found not guilty over BAE break-in

October 27th: In the second broadly positive result for the anti-arms movement, Quaker activist Sam Walton and Reverend Daniel Woodhouse have been acquitted of any law-breaking over their attempt to break into a BAE facility and disarm Typhoon fighter jets destined for Saudi Arabia.