Freedom News

Eviction resisted: we’d rather be squatters than scabs

September 27th: On Thursday 24th September in Greenwich, London, an illegal eviction attempt on a squatted building was thwarted by a combination of self-organised defence and bloody minded stubbornness.

As evictions hiatus ends, Solfed launches housing rights primers

September 23rd: On Monday, with remarkably little fanfare, the hiatus in eviction proceedings was ended, allowing courts to issue new notices and bailiffs to start enforcing them.

Event invitation: Shana Tova Prison Shut Down

September 21st: As is the anarchist way, Jewish abolitionists and our goyish friends will be holding noise demos to mark Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; the Jewish New Year this Thursday, 24th September, at 7 pm outside HMP Manchester and HMP Pentonville in London.  Jewish tradition tells us to make noise on Rosh Hashana to wake us

Poors Piece camp eviction alert

September 20th: After a Summer of resistance the Poors Piece Conservation Project at Rosehill Farm, Wendover against HS2’s destruction of ancient woodland is facing eviction on Monday September 28th.

Fossil Fuels roundup: Firms in crisis as challenges continue

September 13th: While a lot of the focus on activism in recent months has been over the conflict with HS2, particularly given the level of violence which has sometimes been employed, campaigns to keep fossil fuels in the ground have been ongoing and with the industry itself facing a financial crisis, are pushing at something of an

IWGB: Landmark legal victory opens door to worker rights for UK foster carers

August 31st: The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) has won a landmark ruling that will open the doors for employment rights for foster care workers throughout the UK, setting a major precedent for the sector.

Protests press government to end sticking-plaster approach to rent crisis

August 23rd: Following the weekend’s panicked, last minute government U-turn on allowing a mass wave of evictions renters’ unions are pushing the government to offer “more than a broken umbrella in a torrential downpour” with protests yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Earth First! Summer Dispersal

August 21st: Today and tomorrow in lieu of its Summer gathering Earth First UK is supporting decentralised events and actions around Britain, and yesterday published a new zine on green direct action in 2020.

Class War call for Rich Doors protest

August 21st: Following the success of the “Poor Doors” series of protests a few years back, Class War is organising a “Rich Door” action next Saturday at 2pm 29th August in front of 1-18 York Terrace East, Regents Park in central London.

New guides: The Renter’s Checklist

August 19th: As Covid lockdown support is withdrawn a number of groups are beginning to bring out guides and support for people finding themselves at the mercy of the benefits system and landlord reprisal.