Freedom News
New guides: The Renter’s Checklist

New guides: The Renter’s Checklist

As Covid lockdown support is withdrawn a number of groups are beginning to bring out guides and support for people finding themselves at the mercy of the benefits system and landlord reprisal.

Things are going to be getting particularly rough as of August 23rd when the current evictions ban runs out, and information on people’s rights will be particularly important.

In that vein, anarchist union the Solidarity Federation (Solfed)’s Southampton Local recently updated their key checklist for renters, covering payment and ID checks, things you should look for when checking a property, what to keep in mind on letting agreements and documentation you should get when moving in.

Check out the full guide here.

Southampton’s guide is one of several which have been brought out by Solfed in recent months, which include a primer on sick pay and benefits, highlighting what your rights are and ways to navigate Universal Credit. The group has also been keeping an eye on work rights under coronavirus, on students’ protections and isolation, though readers should be aware that a bewildering number of U-turns and policy changes in recent months may mean that some aspects end up out of date.

Local campaign: Two Saints

Southampton SolFed is currently engaged in a campaign to help a homeless couple who, having been housed at the height of Covid, have now faced eviction. To get in touch with the group to help out with these kinds of projects, or for a bit of solidarity, you can email or via Facebook.

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