Freedom News
Earth First! Summer Dispersal

Earth First! Summer Dispersal

Today and tomorrow in lieu of its Summer gathering Earth First UK is supporting decentralised events and actions around Britain, and yesterday published a new zine on green direct action in 2020.

The booklet, available free online, considers the problems of green activism amid a pandemic, and takes an in-depth look at the major campaign this year against HS2. Along with community history, squatting, artwork, poetry and writing on wildlife, it goes into detail on coal mining and many other topics.

The download is available here:

Among today’s events have been two bike rides against coal power and ecocide in Newcastle and Liverpool respectively. In a in a related statement, the group said:

Instead of a Summer Gathering this year we are calling for a Summer Dispersal of Decentralised Days of Resistance.

Concerns around the spread of the virus mean we feel it’s safest not to organise a mass gathering this year but the need to actively resist
capitalism and ecological destruction has never been greater. Covid
19, climate change, racial inequality, poverty: These are all symptoms of a broken system that sees the earth’s resources as infinite, purely for human use and abuse, without a thought for the consequences, and which prioritises profit above all else and oppresses and divides people along racial, gender, class and other lines to maintain its power.

We are asking YOU to organise actions locally against the sites of
destruction which do harm to the planet and those who inhabit it. What you do, where you do it and how you do it is up to you but we are keen to spread the Earth First spirit of non-hierarchical organisation, anti-capitalism and the use of direct action to confront, stop and reverse the forces that are responsible for the destruction of the Earth and all its inhabitants.

The Earth First Summer Gathering hosts workshops from a range of groups about a variety of issues and it is our desire that the Summer Dispersal will reflect the increasing diversity of resistance that finds a home under the Earth First banner and the growing understanding that all oppression is connected: capitalism is a multi-headed hydra, all its ugly heads are part of the same beast – we need to join the dots and topple the whole rotten system to achieve liberation for us all.

We are calling for action against sites of fossil fuel extraction and burning, habitat destruction, animal exploitation, the legacy of colonialism, incarceration, the military-industrial complex and any other sites of environmental, human or animal harm; and those organisations that also have direct responsibility through financing them.

The days of action are Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd of August and you can do as much or as little as you like over these two days, and beyond!

We are also actively supporting the direct action camps campaigning against HS2, across Warwickshire, Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire protecting ancient woodlands against the most destructive government infrastructure project since WW1.
An Earth First! Seed Camp will be running on the route for skill shares and active resistance building starting 9th Sept to 15th.

Get angry, get active, stay safe, stay sane and smash the ecologically destructive imperialist white supremacist capitalist hetero-patriarchy!

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