Freedom News
Poors Piece camp eviction alert

Poors Piece camp eviction alert

After a Summer of resistance the Poors Piece Conservation Project at Rosehill Farm, Wendover against HS2’s destruction of ancient woodland is facing eviction on Monday September 28th.

The group, who were given the go-ahead to occupy their Buckinghamshire site by local farmer Clive Higgins in May, have created an amazing array of structures including straw houses at the Steeple Claydon site as part of their efforts to slow down the controversial rail project.

The woods, which have stood for 400 years and are home to a wide array of animal life, are part of a strip of land which has been grabbed from the Higgins farm using Section 16 compulsory purchase orders and have been fiercely protected by local people. In March bailiffs were sent to take the land and were turned away by Higgins, backed by environmental protectors from Stop HS2 and Extinction Rebellion.

In a statement, the campers said:

“This ancient woodlands was a life saving project years ago to give wood and timber to the locals who at the time were financially deprived. The land now is conserved by a local called Clive, who is very supportive of the group who are there to protect all life within from HS2.

If you can join those there to protect this land, please do!”

You can keep track of what’s happening at Poors Piece at their Facebook Group, and find out more about the area via this video ramble.

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