Freedom News

Notes from the US: Alarmingly degenerate

April 20th: If it weren't so disturbing, you might want to amuse yourself with the reaction of the right in the United States to current events.
First circled A in block letters (1964)

The circled A at 60: The true story

April 19th: The circled A was invented in Paris in 1964 and reinvented in Milan in 1966

Anarchist on a talk show

April 18th: Peter Seyferth reports on his experience combating "horseshoe theory" on the German talk show 13 Fragen (“13 questions”).

Russian Anarchist “will finish tenth grade in pre-trial detention”

April 16th: Lyubov Lizunova is accused of terrorism for a "Death to the Regime" graffiti and "approving" the arson of military recruitment offices

The circled A at 60: True and false

April 12th: Tomás Ibáñez debunks several myths about the famous anarchist symbol, which was created only in April 1964

total eclipse in the USA April 2024


April 10th: Peter Gelderloos reflects on the cultural significance of Monday's solar eclipse

Oregon forest defenders launch tree top sit

April 8th: Amid climbing global temperatures and increasingly severe forest fires, protesters say that continuing logging is unacceptable, especially in carbon-dense and fire-resistant old growth forests.

The circled A at 60: Birth of a symbol

April 5th: Tomás Ibáñez gives first-hand testimony on the origins of the famous anarchist symbol, first proposed in April 1964

Greece: On recent student mobilisations 

March 26th: To this day, despite intense repression, there are still permanently occupied libertarian spaces.

Notes from the US: The union’s state

March 14th: Louis Further rounds up news from across the pond.