Freedom News

Notes from the US: Repression

February 16th: Within days, the governors of half of the states in the U.S.

Hull’s new groove: From arrests to assemblies

February 11th: How former Extinction Rebellion activists and co-operatives took inspiration from models worldwide and built a localised movement.

Solidarity at the doorstep

February 4th: Community activist groups can be a significant force in local politics, as experiences in both Haringey and Tower Hamlets show.

6 years of A Radical Guide

January 27th: A Radical Guide is comprehensive media platform engaging with anarchist and radical movements.

Colin Ward: Everyday Anarchy, the documentary

January 26th: We discover that anarchy is not – as it is commonly understood – simply about a lack of power or authority but is instead a highly complex theory of organisation.

Notes from the US: Post truth

January 25th: Now, for tens of millions, anything goes - regardless of what really happens.

30 years of Critical Mass

January 24th: The ride has continued unabated over the years, and participants have come and gone.

Kurdish solidarity crackdown

January 21st: How "anti-terror" laws used to silence meaningful dissent and solidarity with oppressed peoples.

Confessions of a communard: All-in for the revolution

January 19th: If trying to use the master's tools to dismantle the master's house didn't work on an international level, why would it work for anarchist groups and individuals working at a community level?

Worth fighting for: Bringing the Rojava revolution home

January 12th: It's not surprising that the most precious thing we brought back from Rojava was a sense of hope.