Interview with Lebanese activist Maroun, an active participant in the 2019 popular uprising in Lebanon ~ From Aftoleksi ~ Let’s pick up the thread from 2019, when many young people in Western countries heard about the Lebanese world for the first time.
“Steeped in history and struggles, this neighbourhood belongs to its inhabitants and occupants”, say founders Eva and Nicolas ~ Patrick Schindler, Le Monde Libertaire ~ Opening a new activist space in Exarcheia has a significant dimension.
In part 2 of “On the practices of radical punk” we meet Abbie Hoffman and discuss Maximum Rock’n’Roll and the uses of Do-It Yourself culture ~ Alex Ratcharge ~ In the 1960s and 1970s, anarchist Abbie Hoffman was one of the founders of the Youth International Party, whose members called themselves “Yippies”.
France declares curfew as second overseas territory erupts with protests over failing services and high cost of living ~ From Contre Attaque ~ A brand new gendarmerie barracks was completely burned down in Martinique on October 9, and yesterday the island’s airport that was invaded by protesters, preventing planes from landing.
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