Freedom News
Earth First! winter moot 2024

Earth First! winter moot 2024

The Earth First! winter moot 2024 will take place 9th-11th February at the Sumac Centre in Nottingham.

The 2024 winter moot will take place in… drumroll… the Sumac Centre in Nottingham, home of the legendary one and only Veggies collective!

You’re welcome to arrive from 3 pm on Friday, the 9th of February. The first workshop will take place at 5 pm, and dinner will be at 7 pm. On Sunday, the last workshop finishes at 5.30 pm, followed by cleanup by those still around. Sleeping will be in several communal areas – essentially indoor camping (without tents). It might be cold in February, so bring many warm things, as the floor is cold. The venue and sleeping spaces are wheelchair accessible.

If you have specific accessibility needs, please contact us (earthfirstuk [at] There is level access to the Sumac Centre and a wheelchair accessible bathroom. More detailed information about accessing the Sumac Centre and the sleeping spaces will be made available as soon as we have it. We can provide alternative sleeping space if you need a bed and/or can’t sleep in communal areas; just get in touch as early as possible, please.

There will be three meals a day (provided by veggies), snacks for sale, and free tea and coffee, but bringing more bits and bobs might be good if you feel snacky in between meals. We ask everyone to leave a donation at the door if you can (cash only!), but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. We will ask people to do a COVID test at the door (because we expect some especially vulnerable people) and provide free masks.

Lastly, dogs. We love them, but we love them even more when they are not at the winter moot. We’re afraid our furry friends will have to wait until summer for the next EF! gathering, except assistant dogs.

Any other questions? Please email us! We look forward to a weekend of reflection, discussion, fun and inspiration!

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