9. Nearly receiving a gift of bitumen, is it what you were aiming for? (9)
10. Left a pub when what the UK left caused boredom (5)
11. Light sources left in dances dancing (7)
12. A limb in a birds limb, that’s cosy (7)
13. Phosphorus Yankee heads to eastern Europe country for love of fire (9)
14. Sounds like the music with the rhythms on the off beat makes its mark (4)
18. Tinsel left knotted round the door (7)
20. A bird in a mixed drink forever (7)
21. In which you might consume part of 2, 8, or 24 (they still turn to piss) (4)
22. Study at ultra low temperatures wail surprise at that caused by genes (9)
26. Spineless creature Elon stifles a laugh (7)
28. See 7. Down
29. Fucked up Blackleg encircling one? The answer could be simple (5)
30. What you might do under the mistletoe followed by some drugs, ahem,
ahem? (9)
1. Put the end of it in a sock and use it as the gravy base (5)
2. Label to a flower coming back to get a crunchy sweet x-mas treat (6,4)
3. Proper dough, pounds, yen or meal (9)
4. I feast and party (6)
5. For example the wig stirred to make meringue (3,5)
6. Weeping about the rents (5)
7. and 28. Fit cis Santa smashed smashes nazis (11)
8. Regale about a mixed drink makes a mixer for that mixed drink (6,3)
15. In disco not changing the terms of contract (10)
16. Sudden public assemblies when people expose themselves to mafias
17. U-turns occur when raver on e takes two thirds of the acid (9)
19. Impressive like the rail workers, nurses, posties, civil servants and
university staff are (8)
23. Admin workplace turned frozen water (6)
24. A party drink that should be done up (5)
25. ¡Ya basta! Sh, shut-up, hide (5)
27. Lean over, Santa’ll check it twice (4)