Ukraine video dispatch: Anarchists Against Putin – International Anarchist Mobilization
Freedom is pleased to present the next Ukraine video dispatch produced for us by film-maker and journalist Alexis Daloumis. Alexis spent last few weeks in Kiyv, and previously you may have heard of him due to his other production, Belkî Sibê: A Journey Through The Syrian War and Rojava Revolution. If you haven’t watched last week’s dispatch, it is here. (zb)
The main piece of my reportage in Poland and Ukraine is about the practical mobilisation of Anarchists, their support for and their participation in the resistance against the Putin Regime’s invasion.
This video takes place in Poland and it’s the first part of that main piece. It explores the response of the anarchist milieu to the war in Ukraine, across the country and internationally. How there was a unanimous opposition to Russian imperialism and how this state of emergency united the movement, despite previous division and conflict, towards a common goal.
The second part, coming soon, will take place in Ukraine.
Activists in Switzerland storm the stage at the homophobic and anti-abortion “March for Life” event ~ from Barrikade ~ As they do every year, this September too, the fundamentalists crawled out of every hole of their contempt for humanity to Oerlikon (Zurich, Switzerland) to demonstrate against the basic human right to a safe abortion.
On the anniversary of Maria Nikiforova’s execution at the hands of the White Army on September 17, 1919, we present a translation of Anatoly Dubovik’s biographical sketch of this unique Ukrainian anarchist ~ Anatoly Dubovik, translated by Malcolm Archibald ~ Maria Nikiforova is perhaps the most famous female anarchist who operated on the territory of the
The anti-capitalist tourist attraction played with the perceived factual authority of a museum ~ Gavin Grindon ~ After five years as Lewisham’s premier anti-capitalist tourist attraction, the Museum of Neoliberalism closed its doors for the final time on 15th Sept, as the building is being sold to a developer.
Elite tourism is not ‘paving humanity’s way to the stars’, but elites’ escape from a dying planet ~ Andrew J Boyer ~ Jared Isaacman has become the first billionaire to space-walk, in a successful Space-X mission titled Polaris Dawn.
Up to 100 protesters injured by police during Disrupt Land Forces picket on 11 September ~ Gabriel Fonten ~ The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre was surrounded by confrontational anti-militarist protests between 8–13 September; 42 people were arrested in connection with the protests, and human rights groups have condemned the excessive use of force.
Activists in Switzerland storm the stage at the homophobic and anti-abortion “March for Life” event ~ from Barrikade ~ As they do every year, this September too, the fundamentalists crawled out of every hole of their contempt for humanity to Oerlikon (Zurich, Switzerland) to demonstrate against the basic human right to a safe abortion.
On the anniversary of Maria Nikiforova’s execution at the hands of the White Army on September 17, 1919, we present a translation of Anatoly Dubovik’s biographical sketch of this unique Ukrainian anarchist ~ Anatoly Dubovik, translated by Malcolm Archibald ~ Maria Nikiforova is perhaps the most famous female anarchist who operated on the territory of the
The anti-capitalist tourist attraction played with the perceived factual authority of a museum ~ Gavin Grindon ~ After five years as Lewisham’s premier anti-capitalist tourist attraction, the Museum of Neoliberalism closed its doors for the final time on 15th Sept, as the building is being sold to a developer.
Elite tourism is not ‘paving humanity’s way to the stars’, but elites’ escape from a dying planet ~ Andrew J Boyer ~ Jared Isaacman has become the first billionaire to space-walk, in a successful Space-X mission titled Polaris Dawn.
Up to 100 protesters injured by police during Disrupt Land Forces picket on 11 September ~ Gabriel Fonten ~ The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre was surrounded by confrontational anti-militarist protests between 8–13 September; 42 people were arrested in connection with the protests, and human rights groups have condemned the excessive use of force.
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