Freedom News
New zine: Chasing Dreams, Fighting Nightmares

New zine: Chasing Dreams, Fighting Nightmares

A rather interesting zine ended up in the Freedom editor’s inbox a few days back and its creators, RebelNet, asked us to share it on Mayday if we liked it. We did, so here it is, together with a short note from RebelNet.

“Now, more than ever, we need to believe another world is possible. We need the courage to dream and imagine what that world could be like, and how to bring it about. Come with us into our brave new world, and find inspiration and ideas for how to make this dream a reality.”

As the virus continues to affect us all, it has become increasingly obvious that we need to radically redesign our world. We need creative, powerful, dangerous plans to tear down the structures of the old, and replace them with networks of the new. We need to reclaim power, space and time and redistribute across all areas of our new society, and more than anything we need to take action, in all its forms, without limitation or permission.In the spirit of dissent and solidarity with revolutionaries worldwide, we release this Zine on Mayday 2020. Capitalism is on its last legs, let’s make sure it falls!


Chasing Dreams, Fighting Nightmares can be viewed and downloaded here.

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