Freedom News

Spycops victims rally at Home Office to demand end to coverups

Spycops victims rally at Home Office to demand end to coverups

Campaigners for the truth over what happened and who infiltrated swathes of perfectly legal organisations from the disgraced Special Demonstration Squad and the National Public Order Intelligence Unit said they’d had enough yesterday as the Undercover Policing Inquiry continues to stall. Speaking at the demo today, a rep for the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) said: We’re

New spycop inquiry chair set to cover up names, warns watchdog

New spycop inquiry chair set to cover up names, warns watchdog

Researchers for the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) warned today that, following the first major release of papers by controversial new spycop inquiry chief Sir John Mitting, it looks like the Met may be successful in hiding the names of officers linked to their disgraced undercover operations team. COPS has finished analysing a large release of papers