Freedom News

Protests press government to end sticking-plaster approach to rent crisis

Protests press government to end sticking-plaster approach to rent crisis

Following the weekend’s panicked, last minute government U-turn on allowing a mass wave of evictions renters’ unions are pushing the government to offer “more than a broken umbrella in a torrential downpour” with protests yesterday, today and tomorrow. Despite significant criticism and warnings that revoking the hold on proceedings would cause an immediate massive housing

‘£10 billion to worsen the housing crisis’

‘£10 billion to worsen the housing crisis’

The Radical Housing Network has responded to Prime Minister Theresa May’s conference announcement on housing with a scathing review: May is pumping £10 billion into a housing policy that worsens the housing crisis: Help to Buy has kept house prices high, provides subsidies to a small number of people, and does nothing to address the