We are all victims of the performance review. To showcase our commitment to capitalist principles, we must always be on an upward trajectory to become an ‘emancipated’ neoliberal, capitalist subject.
The performance review

We are all victims of the performance review. To showcase our commitment to capitalist principles, we must always be on an upward trajectory to become an ‘emancipated’ neoliberal, capitalist subject.
Staff were kept in the dark about 110 redundancies and “worked for nothing” in January, say activists ~ Stanton Cree ~ Solidarity Federation in Manchester yesterday (13 February) held a picket outside local burger restaurant Super Awesome Deluxe, following the sudden closure of all Almost Famous burger restaurants across Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester.
Building collective power reduces pressure on individuals and makes us less dependent on charismatic personalities ~ Nora Ziegler ~ Anarchists of different ages, genders and backgrounds pride themselves on being tough, brave, competent, compassionate, skilled, patient, sharp, committed, creative, radical—and there really are some outstanding individuals out there!
As private investment in high-end flats continues, housing groups report record overcrowding in social housing ~ Blade Runner ~ Despite the cold and rain, 150 people gathered in Peckham Square on Saturday (8 February) to protest redevelopment plans for Peckham town centre, and show their solidarity against another aggressive gentrification project.
We’re joined by legal eagle Andy Meinke to talk about the news of the week, and muse upon what work the anarchist movement can be doing to rebuild our strength in the face of downheartening events.
Confronting the far right means solidarity with climate refugees ~ James Horton ~ In late January, the Climate and Nature (CaN) Bill failed to pass at the House of Commons.
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