Eric and Jessica were pioneers of black literary publishing in twentieth-century Britain, alongside so much more.
Eric Huntley: interview with a Black literary pioneer

Eric and Jessica were pioneers of black literary publishing in twentieth-century Britain, alongside so much more.
As private investment in high-end flats continues, housing groups report record overcrowding in social housing ~ Blade Runner ~ Despite the cold and rain, 150 people gathered in Peckham Square on Saturday (8 February) to protest redevelopment plans for Peckham town centre, and show their solidarity against another aggressive gentrification project.
We’re joined by legal eagle Andy Meinke to talk about the news of the week, and muse upon what work the anarchist movement can be doing to rebuild our strength in the face of downheartening events.
Confronting the far right means solidarity with climate refugees ~ James Horton ~ In late January, the Climate and Nature (CaN) Bill failed to pass at the House of Commons.
The poet and performer is a veteran of the Dutch grassroots movement ~ Christiaan Verwey, Buiten de Orde ~ Last night you were with your band Your Local Pirates in Burgers in Eindhoven.
Voting and demonstrations will not help: we must join forces with our colleagues, neighbours and classmates ~ from Die Platforme ~ It took less than two weeks for the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) to use the terrible knife attack in Aschaffenburg to once again shift their course significantly to the right on the backs of
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