Freedom News

Venezuela: A call to anarchists worldwide – solidarity is much more than a written word

Venezuela: A call to anarchists worldwide – solidarity is much more than a written word

In this special callout the Editorial Collective of Venezuelan newspaper El Libertario call on anarchists to reject uncritical support for the Maduro regime, as it offers little more to the poor than the capitalists it rails against. We address all the expressions of the libertarian movement, particularly those of the Americas, not only to draw their attention to

Venezuela: State Power — when the Left is the problem

Venezuela: State Power — when the Left is the problem

As protests rise once again on the streets of Caracas, we are witnessing a struggle between the conservative Venezuelan bourgeoisie removed from control of the State apparatus and an emerging middle class which uses the State as a lever of accumulation, writes Raúl Zibechi. What is happening in Venezuela has no connection with a “revolution” or “socialism”