Freedom News

Bookfair dumps academy venue over military massacre links

Bookfair dumps academy venue over military massacre links

Organisers with the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair have announced they will refuse to hold this year’s event at secondary school the City Academy following revelations that its parent Trust is sponsored by arms-merchant Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce is heavily partnered with Turkey building jet engines for its military aircraft, and has faced strong criticism for effectively

Silhan Ozcelik’s imprisonment is another vicious example of today’s counter-insurgency

Silhan Ozcelik’s imprisonment is another vicious example of today’s counter-insurgency

Silhan Ozcelik, an eighteen-year-old Kurdish woman from London, was sentenced to 21 months at the Old Bailey two days ago. Silhan’s conviction is the first in the UK against someone for attempting to fight alongside Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The verdict comes within the wave of patriotism engulfing Europe after the Paris attacks on 13th