Freedom News

Interview with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the CNT

On the occasion of the Founding Congress of the New International, a member of anarcho-syndicalist union CNT interviewed its foreign secretary Miguel Pérez, on the ins and outs of the event. As a note, Freedom does not have a position re: the split with the IWA which produced the new international, and readers are encouraged to

Eagle Spits Interview

Eagle Spits is probably not his birth name but does seem to suit a character who nearly 40 years after his initial involvement in punk is still going strong- still angry, hopeful, humourous, militating for change. After meeting in the summer and then going along to a ‘Punk 4 The Homeless’ gig I asked Eagle if he would

From Tomorrow and Beyond: An Interview with The Oscillation

Investigating the various bands at this year’s Camden Crawl I came across ”The Oscillation’ a band who have had various incarnations and at present consists of Tom Relleen, Valentina Magaletti and founder member Demian Castellanos.  After listening to a couple of tracks I visited their website which  comments, ‘The Oscillation’s third album “From Tomorrow” is

Broke but making films

An interview with long-serving anarchist Greg Hall, who is an award-winning film-maker, writer and director of The Plague (2004), Kapital (2007) and SSDD (2010). He has recently finished shooting the film Bruised (2012). How did you come across radical politics? The first event that evoked a political response in me was the anti-war build up before the attack on Iraq.