Freedom News

Cancel Facebook: Cleaners continue fight against overwork and victimisation at Facebook

Cancel Facebook: Cleaners continue fight against overwork and victimisation at Facebook

As previously covered in Freedom, cleaners at Facebook’s London offices have been organising against intensified workloads, and are now moving to ballot for strike action after one worker and union activist was unfairly dismissed. As the next step in their campaign, they’ve called for a “Cancel Facebook” protest, at 4pm on Friday November 26th, at

Facebook cleaners fight back against overwork and victimisation

Facebook cleaners fight back against overwork and victimisation

Throughout the last few months, cleaners at Facebook’s London offices have been fighting back against an attempt to drastically increase their workload, after the number of floors they had to clean during a shift was doubled with no increase in staffing levels. Now, events have taken a more dramatic turn, as a cleaning supervisor involved