Freedom News

Sheffield and Blackpool: UK’s longest ever gig-economy pay strike resumes after secret pay talks exposed

Sheffield and Blackpool: UK’s longest ever gig-economy pay strike resumes after secret pay talks exposed

The UK’s longest ever gig-economy pay strike resumes today as Sheffield and Blackpool couriers from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) relaunch industrial action and will picket McDonalds branches every day this week. Last week courier company  Stuart invited selected riders to closed-door meetings on pay which excluded all unionised workers. When IWGB

Block Around The Clock opens anti-fracking festivities

Block Around The Clock opens anti-fracking festivities

The first day of a major protector action against gas fracking near Blackpool kicked off yesterday with ska-robics, speeches and activities from a wide range of green campaigning groups. The celebration/blockade, rounding off of a three-month campaign schedule under the banner United Resistance, kept up a high-energy approach through sweltering 30 degree temperatures as hundreds of

Family on trial over Lancashire anti-frack protests

Family on trial over Lancashire anti-frack protests

Seven people, including three generations of the same family, are in court today charged with “obstructing the highway”  during anti-fracking protests near Blackpool last year. As the trial got underway supporting campaign Reclaim The Power reported a strong showing of solidarity at Preston Magistrates Court. The seven were part of last July’s Rolling Resistance month