Freedom News
Notes from the US

Notes from the US

November 13th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.
Lockdown 2: Are protests legal?

Lockdown 2: Are protests legal?

November 6th: I’ll keep this brief, as whatever I say here will no doubt be out of date within a week.

Humans are not the virus: why ecofascism is bad for you

Humans are not the virus: why ecofascism is bad for you

April 30th: From economic to environmental panic and finally the current pandemic, it seems like this century will be remembered as the age of global crises.

GBC release new police station support guide

GBC release new police station support guide

March 2nd: Activist legal support primos, the Green and Black Cross, have published a new guide to providing police station support for those unfortunate souls who find themselves under arrest.

Legal: Can immigration officers arrest me for obstruction?

Legal: Can immigration officers arrest me for obstruction?

February 29th: Over the last few weeks, we’ve received reports of several activists being arrested for allegedly obstructing immigration enforcement operations.

Legal: Can I hide my face from facial recognition cameras?

Legal: Can I hide my face from facial recognition cameras?

January 28th: Last Friday the Metropolitan police announced they would begin operational deployment of live facial recognition cameras.

Assessing the far right in Johnson’s Britian

Assessing the far right in Johnson’s Britian

January 7th: A few months ago, well before any election was on the horizon, we wrote an article for Freedom laying out some post election scenarios and anticipating what that would mean for the far right and it’s ability to organise.

Legal: The Tories want to give the police more power to evict and arrest trespassers on land

Legal: The Tories want to give the police more power to evict and arrest trespassers on land

November 6th: It is with absolutely no pleasure that we report that Britain’s poundshop Duterte, Priti Patel, is well and truly at it again.

The police can not be the only answer to far right terror

The police can not be the only answer to far right terror

October 21st: Since the proscription of the neo-nazi group National Action in December 2016 the threat of extremist far-right terror has not gone away.

Legal: What are my rights if I’m stopped or raided on immigration grounds?

Legal: What are my rights if I’m stopped or raided on immigration grounds?

June 29th: This is the first part of a series covering the rights of migrants and the legal limits of state power.