Freedom News
Prisoners respond with cheers to protest surrounding HMP Full Sutton

Prisoners respond with cheers to protest surrounding HMP Full Sutton

June 8th: Around fifty people descended on HMP Full Sutton, East Yorkshire, in a historic demonstration on Saturday 5th June.
100 years on, Kropotkin remains strikingly modern

100 years on, Kropotkin remains strikingly modern

February 8th: The centenary of Kropotkin’s death is a good time to return to the question he asked in Freedom in 1886: what must we do?

Legal News Digest: Nov-Dec 2020

Legal News Digest: Nov-Dec 2020

December 10th: From the legislative war on sex workers to new rules governing criminal record disclosure, Carl Spender is here with a round-up of the last month’s legal news.

Government plans major crackdown on the right to protest

Government plans major crackdown on the right to protest

November 29th: The Conservative government is planning to introduce major changes to public order legislation to crack down on protests, under a new “Protection of the Police and Public Bill” planned for 2021.

Notes from the US

Notes from the US

November 13th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Lockdown 2: Are protests legal?

Lockdown 2: Are protests legal?

November 6th: I’ll keep this brief, as whatever I say here will no doubt be out of date within a week.

Humans are not the virus: why ecofascism is bad for you

Humans are not the virus: why ecofascism is bad for you

April 30th: From economic to environmental panic and finally the current pandemic, it seems like this century will be remembered as the age of global crises.

GBC release new police station support guide

GBC release new police station support guide

March 2nd: Activist legal support primos, the Green and Black Cross, have published a new guide to providing police station support for those unfortunate souls who find themselves under arrest.

Legal: Can immigration officers arrest me for obstruction?

Legal: Can immigration officers arrest me for obstruction?

February 29th: Over the last few weeks, we’ve received reports of several activists being arrested for allegedly obstructing immigration enforcement operations.

Legal: Can I hide my face from facial recognition cameras?

Legal: Can I hide my face from facial recognition cameras?

January 28th: Last Friday the Metropolitan police announced they would begin operational deployment of live facial recognition cameras.