Freedom News

Disastrous showing for National Front in Grantham

August 19th: Barely two dozen people made it out for a showing of the National Front today, as the far-right party continues to languish at the very bottom of the political pile drawing a combination of oddball skinheads, confederate flag wavers and the sort of younger presence that would face a public mocking by conservative youth for being

Campaign to fight toxic prisons to tour Britain next month

August 18th: In a timely move as the prison system faces major market-oriented reform, members of the US-based Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons will be going on tour around the country in late September and early October to talk about their experiences of — and successes against — the social and ecological impact of the United States prison-industrial

Liverpool anarchists launch hospitality sector campaign

August 16th: Anarcho-syndicalists in Liverpool linked to Liverpool Solfed have recently opened a new campaign to fight bad working conditions in the city’s hospitality sector, following on from similar successful efforts in Brighton.

New spycop inquiry chair set to cover up names, warns watchdog

August 14th: Researchers for the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) warned today that, following the first major release of papers by controversial new spycop inquiry chief Sir John Mitting, it looks like the Met may be successful in hiding the names of officers linked to their disgraced undercover operations team.

freedom mark

Violence continues as major rig structures arrive at Lancashire frack site

August 5th: Police have admitted using force 165 times in just 19 days of the Rolling Resistance against frack mining at Preston New Road, Lanchashire, underlining what protectors have been saying for weeks about officers acting as enforcers for drill firm Cuadrilla rather than keeping any peace.

Peterborough Mayor bans public from meetings over spycop councillor protests

July 26th: Having suspended a chaotic council meeting last week amid noisy protests demanding the resignation of former spycop (and current councillor) Andy Coles, Peterborough Mayor John Fox closed today’s planned meeting to the public entirely today fearing “equally disruptive” actions.

Critical Mass sets off for Rolling Resistance

July 20th: At the time of writing a large intrepid band of Critical Mass cyclists are partway through their day-long journey to lend support to anti-fracking protectors on Preston New Road, Lancashire.

Case study: Grassroots pressure over substandard housing in Brighton

July 18th: The following article from Brighton SolFed looks at how even seemingly small amounts of pressure on council figures can shine enough light to panic them, and potentially force concessions.

Protests shut down road to nuclear weapons site

July 11th: Five campaigners from the Trident Ploughshares international nuclear disarmament camp were arrested this morning after they blocked the road leading to the Coulport nuclear weapons depot starting at 7am.

Eviction raises questions over Manchester Mayor’s homelessness campaign

July 9th: New Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham’s pledge to help street homeless people as a major plank of his candidacy seems to have gone off the rails after his office failed to actively respond to protests over the eviction of a self-organised occupied space in the centre of the city.