Freedom News

Cancel Facebook: Cleaners continue fight against overwork and victimisation at Facebook

November 25th: As previously covered in Freedom, cleaners at Facebook’s London offices have been organising against intensified workloads, and are now moving to ballot for strike action after one worker and union activist was unfairly dismissed.

Judges kill or kill judges? Whistleblower Barrett Brown convicted for banner display at Kill The Bill demo

November 24th: Barrett Brown was convicted in the City Of London Magistrates on Friday 5th November of a Section 5 Public Order offence, accused of displaying writing that was intended to cause people distress, namely the police.

HMP Wakefield: End racist violence against prisoners in segregation, demand demonstrators

November 23rd: CW: mentons of suicide.

Glasgow: Baile Hoose occupation under threat of rapid eviction

November 22nd: In the latest threat to Baile Hoose, Glasgow City Council are taking the occupation to court
 this Wednesday, 24 November 2021, seeking possession of the building and immediate 

Having a Midwife crisis

November 19th: What do you do as workers when your labour IS labour?

IWGB Solidarity Squad welcomes allies to the fight for precarious and frontline workers

November 18th: Yesterday, the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) launched its Solidarity Squad: a network of allies and supporters of its mission to end exploitation and advocate for precarious and migrant workers as trade union leaders.

‘We’re activists against these institutions’: Disruption at Event by COP26 sponsors promoting “institutional activism”

November 6th: An event by four COP26 sponsors was disrupted by campaign group Glasgow Calls Out Polluters (GCOP) yesterday.

BREAKING: former homeless services unit reopened to house climate justice campaigners visiting Glasgow for COP26

November 3rd: A former homeless services unit in central Glasgow has been reopened to house climate justice campaigners visiting the city for the COP29 summit.

Subterranean Highspeed Blues: Anti HS2 campaigners hold out underground in Wendover – show your support

November 3rd: The eviction of the Wendover Active Resistance camp has now entered its third week.

Neo Nazi gathering in Cumbria (Don’t tell ’em yer name Scafell Pike!)

November 2nd: On Saturday, Patriotic Alternative, the latest attempt of British fascism to drag itself off the floor, held a conference in Cumbria.