Freedom News

Scrub Hub: An autonomous Mutual Aid response to COVID-19

July 23rd: In the Covid-19 crisis the combination of serial incompetence, public services scythed by forty years of neo-liberalism, and a callous disregard for the lives of ordinary people came together with murderous results under Boris Johnson and the Tory party.

‘Something has changed in the power dynamic’: interviews with anarchists from Minneapolis and NYC

June 21st: On 25 May George Floyd was murdered by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Interview: Alessio Kolioulis on Colin Ward’s The Child in the City and its French translation

May 13th: A French language translation of Colin Ward’s classic The Child in the City was published in March this year by Etrerotopia France – L’enfant dans la ville translated by Léa Nicolas-Teboul.

Solidarity against barbarism: The fight against coronavirus and the far-right in the USA

May 10th: This interview was originally published by Brighton Antifascists.

Interview: Ruth Kinna

April 21st: Freedom spoke to Ruth Kinna, author of numerous books on anarchism about the origins and key concepts of anarchism.

Interview: Simon Hannah on the fight to stop the poll tax

April 6th: Author Simon Hannah spoke to Freedom Press about his new book Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay: the fight to stop the poll tax which is published by Pluto Press.

Sex workers are under attack– feminists everywhere need to support us

March 19th: It was the day after International Women’s Day and I was tired, obviously, but also feeling good about pulling off another strike for the 3rd year in a row in London.

Interview: Juliusz Lewandowski, queer antifa artist

November 29th: "Right now, we fight in hell."As Poland’s oldest squat faces eviction, George F.

Interview: Tomás Ibáñez on power and modern anarchy

November 16th: In this interview translated by the Autonomies collective, One of Spain’s most interesting modern thinkers on anarchism, Tomás Ibáñez, outlines some of the thinking from his book Anarchism is Movement, which Freedom is publishing in English later this month.

Interviews with anarchists concerning the Yellow Vests movement

November 11th: What follows is an edited version of a brochure written in French and translated into several languages.