“No deals with the henchmen of the capitalist state”
June 12th: Interview with G20 defendant Gabi Müller from BerlinInterview: Radon and the new wave of anarchist sci-fi
June 9th: Anarchist transhuman sci-fi collective Radon have published multiple digital journals over the last few years exploring themes including dystopia, rebellion and social conflict.
Cambridge for Palestine – demanding divestment
May 17th: "This is a protest against the University’s complicity in the massacre in Gaza, and we affirm that everyday".
Argentina’s new President: ‘Crisis and confrontation’
January 1st: It is difficult to imagine that he can carry out his 'anarcho-capitalist' postulates of eliminating the State since the State and capital are complementary and necessary elements in the capitalist system.
Not just sex: Talking about Alex Comfort with Eric Laursen
December 29th: Uri Gordon talks to the author of "Polymath": The Life and Professions of Dr.
Interview: Democracy vs Capitalism in the Middle East
November 14th: Coexistence has not always been exclusively peaceful, but the genocidal politics of nowadays fascist regimes are something new.
Interview: Coal Action Network
April 17th: The things that we can see through the work that we’ve taken on coal, that are equally relevant in other contexts are that communities that resist coal mines or resist extractivist projects are much more successful when the community works together.
Interview: Russian anti-war prisoner solidarity
April 10th: “There are few of us, and we can’t handle the flow of repression.” Solidarity Zone is a project to help people who have been repressed for anti-war resistance.
Recent decision to stop all attacks of Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla
February 24th: Repost from Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) of parts of an interview with Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council: “The centre of the earthquake and the areas hit by it are the areas where the PKK was founded.