Freedom News

Notes from the US

November 19th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Rise up for Rozbrat!

November 15th: Across Europe, autonomous spaces are fighting for survival in the face of mounting repression.

Bolivia: A very Latin American Coup

November 14th: FACT.


Statement of international solidarity with the anarchist movement in Greece

November 7th: The promising people’s revolts in Ecuador and Chile, the vigorous resistance in revolutionary Rojava, the continuing mobilizations in Greece, France, Turkey, Palestine, the small and bigger acts of resistance all over the world give us hope and strength and demonstrate that the enemy might be strong but is not invulnerable.

A message from Rojava

November 1st: A message from a British revolutionary, part of the resistance against the Turkish invasion of North East Syria, to the people gathering tomorrow to make their solidarity heard and seen.

Chile Protest - Rev

Latin America and the Caribbean are in flames

October 28th: Indigenous peoples are now leading the struggle, and they refuse to be forgotten and tokenised any more.

French migrant hunger strikers communique: ‘No Liberty, No Equality, No Fraternity for us’

October 27th: Immigration Detention Centres, Centre de Retention Administratif or CRA in French.

Hungary: neo-fascists attack Aurora Jewish community centre

October 24th: Hungarian neo-fascists from “Legio Hungaria” group have attacked the Aurora Jewish Community Centre in Budapest.

What is happening in Chile?

October 21st: This text was sent to Freedom by our comrades in Chile.

The frontline is everywhere: Communique from a comrade in Syria

October 13th: On the day of a Call to Action against Turkey’s invasion of Rojava, Syria, in a week where there was mass civil disobedience on the streets of London, molotovs and State-murder in Hong Kong, and police taken hostage in indigenous protests in Ecuador, we got in touch with one of our machine-gun-strapping, Isis-blapping, fascist-fragging anarchist