Freedom News

“Power anywhere where there’s people!” – 50 years since the FBI murdered Fred Hampton

December 4th: Fifty years ago to the day, Fred Hampton – the 21 year old deputy chairman of the Black Panther Party – was assassinated by the FBI and the Chicago Police Department.

Anarcho-Syndicalist Workers’ Revolution in Catalonia

December 1st:    In an interview with world famous Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre Van Paassen, Anarcho-Syndicalist leader and Spanish Loyalist general Buenaventura Durruti said:       “We are giving Hitler and Mussolini far more worry with our revolution than the whole Red Army of Russia.

Anarchism and the 1945 elections

November 22nd: Following a question posed by Labour supporters about anarchist responses to the policy proposals of what became the Attlee Labour government, below we reproduce Freedom’s front page article from June 2nd 1945.

Poor, but not forgotten! The remembering of a Bristol workhouse

October 9th: Back in 2012, some historians from the Bristol Radical History Group (BRH) were sinking a couple of shandies, and pouring over old ordnance survey maps.

Pioneers of anarchism: Varlam Cherkezishvili (Tcherkesoff)

July 27th: Lesser-known of two “anarchist princes” exiled to London in the 1890s (the other being Peter Kropotkin), Cherkezishvili (Warlaam Tcherkesoff in the Russian manner) was an influence on British and wider European movements up to the beginning of the First World War.

Pioneers of British anarchism: Alfred Marsh

July 12th: From 1895-1913 Alfred Marsh was editor of Freedom when it was the only anarchist paper to survive the collapse of the movement in Britain at the turn of the century — and without his grit and fortitude there is no doubt that it too would have been shut down along with the likes of the

Pioneers of British anarchism: Edward Carpenter

June 28th: Dublin Pride is tomorrow, and for this Pride season we note the 90th anniversary of the death of Edward Carpenter (1844-1929), a man who in the most repressive of times against homosexuality in Britain was out and proud.

How we invaded Cuba

June 24th: On Friday 12 July 1963, anarchists invaded the Cuban Embassy in London.

Pioneers of British Anarchism: George Barrett

June 13th: To mark the launch of new Freedom Press title Our Masters Are Helpless, we will be publishing a number of historic reprints about historic anarchist figures from our 130-year store of articles, starting with the firebrand himself, George Barrett.

Memorandum of imperialism: 1713, when Europe abandoned the Catalans

May 10th: Half Europe authorized, three centuries ago, to dismantle a crown with more than five centuries of history, in exchange for ending a war for the control of the colonial empire.