
Radical Reprint: Conflict and class struggle
November 17th: The anarchist split over the Great War (WW1) burst into print in November 1914, with grave consequences ~ Rob Ray ~ One of the most famous articles Freedom ever carried, at least in historical terms, was a piece by Errico Malatesta, that titan of the Italian anarchist movement, entitled ‘Anarchists Have Forgotten Their Principles‘, in
A cautionary tale from my Russian anarchist great-grandfather
October 22nd: On the danger of sacrificing principle for pragmatism ~ George Askaroff ~ When faced with substantial external pressure and uncertainty, principles of liberty are often sacrificed in the name of ‘pragmatism’.

Radical Reprint: Anarchism in China
October 6th: There is a very obvious article to reprint from the October 1914 issue of Freedom, which is precisely why I’m selecting a different one.

Radical reprint: War arrived, and with it the anarchists despaired
September 29th: By the time Freedom‘s September issue hit the streets in 1914 the disaster that was to become known as World War One was already underway, and anarchists found themselves shouting sanity into a world that no longer wanted to listen ~ Rob Ray ~ The edition is a curious beast, mixing a thunderous front page

The circled A at 60 part three: The true story
August 28th: The circled A is a symbol so widespread, so widely recognized and disseminated that it has come to be taken as a traditional symbol of anarchism, seeming to have existed forever.

The circled A at 60 part one: Birth of a symbol
August 23rd: Tomás Ibáñez gives first-hand testimony on the origins of the famous anarchist symbol, first proposed in April 1964

My arresting experience the day Prince Charles came to town
August 20th: Charles Windsor has form for pre-emptively arresting people who would spoil his parties.

Radical Reprint: Austria declares war, the world is on the brink
August 11th: The international political grouping around Freedom was aware of the threatened onrush of what was to become World War I — and wrote with increasing desperation in its August 1914 issue, calling on workers to resist calls to arms as Austria used the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand to justify an imperial invasion.

Radical Reprint: The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
July 14th: For its July issue Freedom of course led with the most infamous event of the moment, and as ever was not shy in its take, headlining a short, wry report with ‘Cause and Effect.’ The assassination, known for sparking the series of events that led to World War One, was worldwide news and, with the

“Let the dead rest – and fulfill their hopes”: Remembering Erich Mühsam
July 10th: The anarchist author and poet, murdered by the Nazis on July 10, 1934, is now part of Germany’s literary canon