Freedom News

X isn’t an airport, but we’re announcing our departure 

December 4th: Over the last couple of months, Freedom News decided to start cutting down involvement with Twitter/X, which has until now been our biggest social media account

Zapatista Autonomy: Interview with an anarchist comrade

December 1st: The decentralising will run the risk of disintegration of the movement, but it is perhaps the only means of resisting the current onslaught of violence and state counter-organising activities.

Interview: Brand, Sweden’s oldest anarchist paper

November 29th: Printed four times a year, Brand [‘fire’] has been published in Sweden since 1898.

The art of freedom: Strategies for organising and collective resistance

November 23rd: Stateless democracy is not only possible but is already being built.

Common Arab-Jewish struggles in the past & present: Interview with George Mehrabian

November 22nd: This is a conversation about the unity of the Palestinian and Israeli peoples.

Explainer: New Zapatista Autonomy

November 21st: Last week, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) released this declaration, setting out a new decentralised structure for the autonomous indigenous communities in Chiapas.

It’s finally here: SLAP! Issue 12 and 13 (or 1312)!

November 18th: SLAP!

The new structure of Zapatista autonomy

November 15th: Following their statement dissolving their autonomous government, the Zapatistas have released another statement:

Interview: Democracy vs Capitalism in the Middle East

November 14th: Coexistence has not always been exclusively peaceful, but the genocidal politics of nowadays fascist regimes are something new. 

World youth unite and organise

November 8th: The system's attempt to break the revolutionary youth spirit is present in every context and in all of us.